Friday, July 31, 2009

And the Weekend Begins...

I am sitting here on the couch and the house is deathly quiet. Almost too quiet to think... David wanted to go camping and I was supposed to go as well, but I have felt quite nauseous most of the day and did not want to be stuck outside in the heat, exhausted and nauseous. As soon as the boys left I started to miss them... They are such a constant part of my life that I don't always know what to do when they are gone. So here I sit on my computer, typing to myself :).

This week has been absolutely draining. I feel like I have been run through the washer and hung out to dry. Mentally and physically I am exhausted. So much so, in fact, that I only want to lay down and vegetate. And to think it is only just beginning...

I have stuff to catch up on this weekend and things that need my attention and I also am leading worship at church on Sunday so I have to prepare for that as well. Even though I am exhausted, I am still excited... Excited about the changes God is making in Ascend, excited about getting the privilege of leading people into His presence, and excited that through everything, He is giving me ability, strength, and wisdom! I feel ready to take on the world with Him living inside of me!

So it's just another weekend, but hopefully it will be one of rest, rejuvenation, and returning to give thanks to the One who brought me through the week!

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Business Brings Little Pleasure Today

So I'm sitting here waiting to go into meetings with office staff... As I sit here getting more and more anxious, I am wondering to myself why I ever agreed to take on the Operations of Ascend Technologies. I really felt in my heart that God was calling me to this, but I am not sure if I am enough. I guess even as I type this, I know in my heart that He is enough. I just do not like the hard stuff...being responsible for people's livelihood, confrontation, changes that not many people's just not fun.

So here I sit breathing faster by the minute, wishing this day was over and we were moving on. It's funny too, because I know God will show up and I know that He will make everything okay, but I am so uncomfortable with the boat while it is rocking that I forget the storm will pass and the sun will shine again. I have a hard time looking past the moment I am in sometimes and other times I look too far into the future and miss the moment. I guess I must have "it in" for me. Constantly making sure "me" is not enjoying one minute ;).

See I feel better already, just getting this out... Jesus, be very near to me this day. Give me wisdom, strength, and boldness beyond my ability and help me to keep my head and my tongue. Let me say only those things You would have said and help everything to be better than expected. I don't have the strength to do this, but You do. Please be very near...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cherie + Mike

Cherie and Mike tied the knot in Leesburg, AL this past weekend. Not only was their wedding absolutely gorgeous thanks to their sister, Amber, but the setting was incredible. The lake made for some great shots that I am still working on editing... David enjoyed the resort so much that he is now trying to come up with a way to buy one of the vacation properties ;).
I first met Mike and Cherie when Cherie's son, Timmy, and Jordan were on the same baseball team a few years back. Since then they have become a part of our church and some really good friends. I truly enjoyed being asked to take their wedding photos.
As Cherie walked down the aisle, I was struck by the miracle and beauty of marriage. The moment when 2 lives unite to become one is priceless and amazing. Too often these days, the vows get forgotten and the beauty at the wedding disappears. Divorce has stolen the life out of many marriages and many people and forced them to walk around broken and without hope. It is all too easily an option when we are facing hard times with our spouse. I think of my brother and sister-in-law who just recently faced a painful divorce with a 2 year old caught in the middle. I can't help but think most days about what her life will be like because of this and what it could have been like without it. I am so thankful that God is gracious and is continually looking out for this precious little girl...
Anyway, I digress. Cherie was absolutely stunning on her day and Mike, handsome as well. It was a gorgeous day, which was not necessarily good for the picture taking, but great for the guests who didn't have to sit in any rain :).

Hello, World!

Well, how excited am I? I have found a way to share my thoughts and feelings and pictures and you know what? Even if noone reads this, it's going to be a blast! I have so many things rise up inside of me sometimes and no outlet for them. Things that I wish everyone knew, things that I can't keep inside...there is just a lot in this heart and head of mine... Now I have a place to let it out!
So even while I am forced to be unsocial due to many responsibilities in my life, I am excited that here I can share all that stuff that gets bottled up inside... and in the process make the people in my life who think I talk too much very happy! :).
Welcome to my life! Make yourself at home!